Sunline Australia has a variety of Above Ground Rollers to suit your design preference.
Our above ground rollers are a trouble free and lightweight system, that’s perfect for handling and storing your Sunline Pool Cover.
Our Range
Sunline Australia has a variety of Above Ground Rollers to suit your design preference.
Our above ground rollers are a trouble free and lightweight system, that’s perfect for handling and storing your Sunline Pool Cover.
The Sunline units can easily be operated by anyone, and all it takes is less than a minute or so to retract or withdraw the pool blanket from your pool. Our rollers can be made to suit most sized pools from 1.5 metres right up to 5.5 meters.
It also features adjustable fittings, which are simple, durable and long lasting. An easy to use product that will offer years of trouble-free service. Our above ground rollers are a cost-effective solution to suit your requirements, plus it will tidy up your swimming pool entertainment area.